It has been a few weeks, but I still need to tell you about my trip down to Raleigh, NC for the Carolina Fiber Fest. Until then, I had only been to the Powhatan Fiber Fest and I was really excited to adventure somewhere new. Let me tell you, I was not disappointed! Being in a building versus out in a field did make for more crowded aisles and sometimes led to difficulty getting to the skein of yarn that caught your eye. But the 3 hour drive down was definitely worth the blast I had!
In particular, I was excited to see Hauteknit Yarn. I stalk them on social media and etsy, so I couldn't wait to actually get up close and feel the yarn. I mean really, isn't yarn petting the best part of yarn shopping? If you want to check out their lovelies as well, click here to get to their etsy shop.
My mom was my wingwoman, and we probably circled the show 4 times. Since we made such a trek, we decided to also stop buy a local yarn shop that was about a mile away from the show. I mean, if you drive 3 hours for yarn, you make sure you get all the yarn you can carry! So we also stopped at Great Yarns and picked up more goodies. The ladies were super nice and helpful. If you find yourself in Raliegh, NC, definitely stop by. So, without further ado, here are the pictures from our adventure!